Avoid Climbing Spikes When Pruning Trees


Climbing spikes are sharpened steel spikes attached to the climber’s leg by leather straps and padded supports. A tree worker should only use them to access trees being removed. When these spikes are used on living trees, it is traumatizing to the tree and creates unnecessary damage.


Each puncture from a climbing spike produces a certain amount of tree tissue death, though this varies from tree to tree. In most cases, isolated wounds will seal, but over time, groupings of spike holes can cause the entire area on the trunk to die back with no chance of recovery. This happens when a tree is repeatedly climbed for pruning while using spikes.


The likelihood of piercing the cambium (living tissue beneath the bark) is high, even with larger trees and thick bark. If soon after the work is performed with spikes there is sap oozing from the wounds, the tree is responding to spike damage. Repeated damage of this type is harmful to the tree.


In short, if you are planning to do any pruning on your trees that requires climbing, it might be best to contact a tree care professional.
Pruning Trees in Carolina

Carolina Tree Care Tips for Spring Time


Spring is a good time to prune out any frost damage to your trees and other plants, which may have occurred from the harsh winter. In spring, you can prepare your yard for summer landscaping by thinning or removing deadwood and/or removing the unwanted parts of your existing landscaping. This will help prevent damage to any new landscaping.


Should I worry about bugs and insects on my trees?

Many insects become active in early spring so now is a good time to consult your professionally trained arborist to inspect your trees and shrubs for unusual pest activity.


What can I do to make sure my trees are healthy after winter season?

  • Avoid using herbicides beneath trees that warn against such use on the label. The same herbicides that kill dandelions can hurt trees if they are not applied properly.
  • Check your trees for damage that may have occurred over the winter.
  • Check mulch rings to see if additional material needs to be added. If the mulch is less than 2 inches thick, grass growing through it may become troublesome. Enlarge mulch rings whenever possible.
  • Remove critical risk trees if your certified arborist recommends.
  • Many insects and diseases are active during the spring months. Check your trees and shrubs regularly for any sign of pest activity.
  • If our spring weather is dry, be sure to deeply water your trees and shrubs when necessary. Water is critical during leaf and shoot development.
  • Fertilize trees and shrubs as part of your normal annual program.
  • Weed beds, cut back perennials and trim fall flowering shrubs as appropriate.


Still have questions about Spring Time Tree Care for your trees? Feel free to contact Trees of Carolina.

tree tips for trees of carolina

Recommended Tree Types for Flood Areas

Just like most living things, your trees can only handle so much water. If a flash flood hits your yard or garden occasionally, your trees should be ok. However, if your yard or garden keeps flooding when it rains or is often affected by major floods, your trees are in trouble. Trees that sit in saturated soil, called waterlogged soil, will drown because their roots can’t access oxygen–only water. If you see this happening in your yard, poke deep holes in the ground when water begins to drain or decrease. Fix these waterlogged areas before stepping on them, or you’ll worsen the problem.


With that being said, have you ever wondered about what trees do better in areas where flooding is a common occurrence? here is a short list.


Flood Tolerant Trees for Wet Areas

  • Colorado blue spruce: A beautiful, silvery evergreen with moderate flood and drought tolerance
  • Swamp white oak: A medium-sized shade tree that thrives in wet, acidic soil
  • Thornless honeylocust: A fast-growing shade tree that’s easy to care for and moderately flood and drought tolerant
  • Hackberry: A tough tree that thrives almost anywhere and can tolerate some flooding and drought
  • Bald cypress: A sleek, pyramid-shaped conifer that loses needles in the winter, thrives in swamps and can tolerate flooding


Currently servicing the areas of Cary, Apex, Raleigh, Holly Springs, Fuquay-Varina and Morrisville, North Carolina.Trees of Carolina, LLC specializes in dangerous & regular tree removal services, lightening protection for trees, tree removal with crane, storm clean up, tree and shrub fertilization, stump removal, trimming tree branches and much more


5 Fall Season Tree Care Tips


As summer comes to an end, so does the season of plush green lawns and trees. But although the fall season is upon us, the gardening season is not over yet. Fall is not only a beautiful season, but also an excellent time to plant most trees, along with preparing your trees for the winter season. Here are the 5 helpful fall season tree care tips to follow:


Fall Season Tree Care Tip #1: Watering

At the beginning of autumn, stop watering your trees until the leaves fall from the trees. Once the leaves have fallen from your trees, water your trees until the ground freezes. This will insure your trees have enough water to live through the winter drought.


Fall Season Tree Care Tip #2: Fertilization

As the leaves start to change color and fall, watch for signs that might indicate your trees have a nutrient problem and may need fertilization. Keep in mind, fertilization can promote rapid new growth, which could be damaged in the winter, therefore, fertilize in the spring instead if possible. To determine if your trees are in need of fertilization, some of the things you can look for include:

  • Leaves changing colors and falling earlier than usual.
  • Reduced growth in branches and leaves.
  • Wilting.


Fall Season Tree Care Tip #3: Pruning

Make sure to remove any dead, diseased or damaged branches. They all serve as points where diseases or pests could enter (causing further damage). Not to mention, removing the dead, diseased and damaged branches will make your trees look better. You can also prune branches that aren’t growing the way you would like.


Fall Season Tree Care Tip #4: Planting

There are many trees that can be planted during the fall (make sure you check with your local nursery if to see which ones). In general, trees have a better chance to get their roots established because of the cooler temperatures (putting less stress on a growing tree). Another advantage to planting trees during the fall season is that many places discount their plant stock.


Fall Season Tree Care Tip #5: Care For Young Trees

Since the fall season is an ideal time to plant new trees, it is important to consider that young trees are usually not developed enough to withstand the constant freezing and thawing that may occur and young trees are especially susceptible to drastic temperature changes that come with winter, especially in colder ares. One thing you can do as a preventative measure is to place a thick layer of mulch around the base of the tree. Make sure not to place it right against the trunk because this can create excess moisture buildup which attracts fungus.


With a little love and care, your trees can be beautiful and healthy year round. Put these fall season tree care tips to use and reap the benefits of doing so. We wish you a magnificent fall season and if you have any questions or if there is anything we can help you with, just contact Trees of Carolina!

Fall Tree Care

3 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Profesional Tree Removal Service


Trees are a natural part of life and our earth and like all life, there is nothing we can do to control it; fallen trees and broken branches happen and can act as a threat to the safety of our family or property. Of course, we always do everything possible to protect what is valuable to us, but at what point do you determine when you need to hire professional help? In this article, Trees of Carolina provides 3 reasons why you should hire a professional tree removal service!


Reason #1: Diminished Damage

Tree professionals have be trained to properly assess damages. Although a fallen or damaged tree may appear to be stable, it may still be a danger to your property and/or family. Damaged and broken trees should not be taken lightly, instead, they should be dealt with immediately to diminish the threat they may pose. You can rest assured that a professional tree service will take care of the tree (or trees) in a very effective manner, possibly preventing further damage to your home. A professional tree service has the necessary gear and equipment to not only remove the damaged tree or stump, but also pick up heavy branches because trees can create a mess in your yard.


Reason #2: Increased Safety

In the event of a tree emergency, the first thing you should do is make sure that everyone is safe. Of course, if someone is hurt, call your local authorities for help or seek treatment for the individual before calling an emergency tree service. These incidents can in fact be dangerous, which is why it is important to hire a professional tree removal service (keep in mind that a damaged tree is not a priority, the safety of yourself or your family is). You should never try to remove a fallen tree yourself because even small trees require special training and expert skills, not to mention, the proper equipment.


Reason #3: Faster Reimbursement

Damages are costly and the damage caused by a fallen tree and tree branches can leave you with some costly repair bills. By hiring a professional tree service you can gain peace of mind knowing that with their expertise, they will make sure you get the most out of your homeowner’s insurance policy. Generally, businesses that specialize in emergency tree services are willing to work directly with your insurance provider to streamline the claim approval procedure and expedite the reimbursement process. This definitely works in your favor and saves you the headache of dealing with the confusing and lengthy claim procedures. So, if you ever find yourself in this situation, get professional assistance for your tree removal needs and you will reduce the destruction and hassle caused by your damaged trees.



Just like we can’t control life, we also can’t control mother nature (which is an essentially part of life). Storms, high winds and other weather conditions occur on a daily basis and affect our surroundings and if one or more of your trees has suffered damages due to these conditions, it is imperative to hire a professional for emergency tree removals. A tree service company can provide you with their professional expertise and deal with your damaged trees rapidly, safely and efficiently. If you would like more information about professional tree removal service, Trees of Carolina is always happy to speak with you.




What Are Tree Injections?


Tree injections are becoming more and more popular, but why? What are they? Trees of Carolina explains the science behind this method and explores the benefits.


Tree injections (also known as micro-injections, trunk injections or tree vaccinations) are capsules that introduce fertilizers directly into the xellem of the tree. Micro-injections rely solely on the transpirational stream to move materials systematically within the xylem. The advantage of injections are the 100% uptake of the material, no run off or leaching and bypassing the root system because of stress from construction damage or soil compaction.


What makes this treatment so effective?

  • This treatment has been scientifically proven to improve tree health and induce systemic acquired resistance.
  • Once injected directly into the tree trunk, the chemicals are delivered into the sapwood or active xylem where translocation disperses the solutes to the leaf mass.
  • Although the injection process can be initiated throughout the year, the best treatment period is during the fall months (the autumn period allows the time necessary for the therapeutic affects of the insecticides to improve tree health for the following spring season).
  • Tree injections are the only method that provides precise dosage and delivery of pesticides. In fact, this method actually enables the use of lower levels of pesticides!
  • Tree injections have had great success and a positive response.


How do they affect the environment?

  • Tree injection have no residues to contaminate our groundwater.
  • Risk of insecticidal resistance development is greatly reduced.
  • Tree injection do not kill earthworms and other beneficial soil invertebrates.
  • They do not affect soil biology by harming beneficial soil fungi essential for nutrient uptake.
  •  Tree injections require NO WATER during application, whereas a tree with a 100 cm diameter trunk requires 92 liters of water if the soil is injected.
  • Tree injections are the only reliable long term control (available in all conditions and year round) and have higher levels of available active ingredients that are fast acting and persistent.
  • There is no risk of leaching during periods of high rainfall (contaminated surface water has the potential to reach waterways killing aquatic invertebrates).
  • Tree injections are the most environmentally-friendly method known and are ideal for all environment situations.


Health and Safety:

  • Tree injections are safe around children and pets.
  • Complies (and exceeds) with OH&S standards compared to conventional treatments.


Tree injections are a great and effective long term solution for the health of your trees. Your trees can be protected against damage and defoliation for a long period of time in a safe and efficient manner. If you would like to experience the benefits of tree injections for your trees, contact Trees of Carolina for more information!





Pruning and Care of Your Fruit Trees This Summer

Summer is right around the corner and it is a great time to consider the seasonal maintenance of your fruit trees. Now, there are several benefits of pruning your fruit trees this summer, but ultimately the goal is the same; detecting what needs correcting. In this article, Trees of Carolina discusses the importance of pruning and the care of your fruit trees this summer and provides some very helpful tips!

Summer pruning of fruit trees is beneficial despite being considered an off-season pruning. This is because summer pruning may be necessary in order to repair damaged tree limbs. For example, if a branch is broken by the wind or by a heavy load of fruit, pruning back the ragged edges and making a smooth cut that won’t leave a stubby stump will improve the tree’s overall health and growth.

To encourage huskier growth in vigorous vegetative trees, it is recommended to prune (or pinch) tender new branches in the summer. This helps discourage long and weak growth from flourishing. Summer pinching is beneficial because it helps manage the tree’s overall size as well, and this is especially useful if your dwarf fruit trees tend to be more on the robust side.


So when should you consider summer pruning? Ideally, you want to plan for this in July and early August, which is the active growing season. Growth begins to slow down in the fall and this also takes into consideration any instances where a harsh winter and spring may delay new growth. Some of the fruit trees that are commonly considered for summer pruning include: Nectarines, Japanese plum trees and peach trees. These fruit trees tend to grow vigorously because they put energy into lots of vegetative growth.


Why is it important to prune your fruit trees in the summer (main goal)? 

  • Creating a sturdy structure: This is important in your tree’s growth. Long and weak growth should be pinched back. You can hand pinch (or prune) about 3 inches off the end of each soft, leafy shoot. Also, you may repeat this process in late summer if side shoots grow out rapidly.
  • Remove current problems: Summer pruning allows you to remove damaged, diseased or dead limbs before they become bigger stress factors for your tree. You may also want to consider removing crossing or rubbing limbs and limbs that grow inward toward the tree’s center.


Reap the benefits of pruning your fruit trees in the summer! Doing so will allow you to benefit from the following:

  • Summer pruning encourages sturdier branch development: Your tree will grow stockier and sturdier through pruning. This is the best thing you can do so your tree can better support fruit in future seasons.
  • Summer pruning provides opportunity to check on tree status: This mean that through pruning, you will be able to not only find pests and/or disease issues, but also address them before they become bigger problems. This also allows you to spread tree limbs if they are growing too vertically and provides an opportunity to remove any tree suckers/water-sprouts that may have appeared. (Keep in mind that you don’t need to wait to remove tree suckers, water-sprouts, dead, damaged or diseased limbs. These should be removed as soon as possible to eliminate any damage).
  • Summer pruning enhances light exposure: Proper light exposure and air circulation is vital for your tree in order to reduce the risk of fungal disease. Also, light improves the development of fruiting wood in young fruit trees and improves the size and quality of the fruit in mature trees.


Things you want to avoid when summer pruning:

  • Avoid heavy pruning in summer. Summer pruning should only be done to maintain the structure and the heavy pruning should be saved for when fruit trees are dormant and less prone to stress.
  • Avoid pruning too late into the season. Pruning encourages growth, therefore, your tree might be at risk of winter injury if this growth is encouraged too late in the season. If you miss your opportunity to prune in summer, it is best to wait to prune in the winter/early spring instead.
  • Avoid pruning when rain is in the forecast. This is simply because the moisture from the rain can stir up disease elements (such as fungal spores) that may take advantage of fresh pruning cuts.


Keeping these things in mind will allow you to prune your fruit trees successfully. You will have beautiful, healthy and fruitful trees, just wait and see! Please contact Trees of Carolina if you have any questions or if you are interested in any of professional tree services.





A Guide: When Should I Prune My Tree?


When should I prune my tree?

If you don’t know the answer to this question, don’t feel bad because you are not alone. You would be surprised to learn that many people are not sure of when the right time to prune their trees is. In this article, Trees of Carolina provides an easy guide for proper tree pruning in order to maintain your trees strong, thriving and beautiful!

Pruning your trees depends largely on why you prune in the first place. For example, light pruning and removal of dead wood can be done at any time. However, considering the different seasons and recognizing that there is a variety of species of trees is important because all trees are unique and may have specific needs. Take a look at the following guide:


Pruning Flowering Trees to Enhance Flowering

If you are pruning your tree for the purpose of enhancing flowering, keep the following in mind!

  • Shrubs and trees that flower in mid to late summer should be pruned in winter or early spring.
  • If you have trees that bloom in spring, prune them when their flowers fade.


Summer Pruning

One of the reasons for pruning trees in the summer is for corrective purposes; for example, defective limbs or limbs that hang down too far under the weight of their leaves can be seen more easily.

Pruning should be done soon after their seasonal growth is complete in order to slow or “dwarf” the development of a tree or branch, or to direct the growth of the tree by slowing the branches you don’t want. The reason you would want the slow effect is to reduce the total leaf surface, therefore reducing the amount of food manufactured and sent to the roots.


Winter Pruning

One of the most common practices is to prune during dormancy (the winter season). This is because doing so results in a vigorous burst of new growth in the spring. Prune your tree if this is the effect you desire, just make sure to wait until the coldest part of the winter has passed. Keep in mind that some species of trees may “bleed” (when the sap begins to flow), such as walnuts, birches and maples. This is not harmful at all; the bleeding will stop once the tree leafs out.


When Not To Prune Your Tree

It is not recommended to prune your trees during the fall season because decay fungi will spread their spores profusely in the fall. Also, healing of wounds seem to slow in the fall therefore, it is probably best to store your pruning tools away during this time of year.


These are the basics of tree pruning, pretty simple right? Follow this guide and you will be sure to have beautiful and healthy trees! If you would like more information about proper pruning or if you are interested in our tree services, please contact us. Trees of Carolina is always happy to provide you with a free estimate and/or schedule an appointment with you!




Fall Season is an Important Season

With the summer coming to an end, its important to remember extreme heat (or lack of water) can and will weaken your trees. Make sure you are watering your trees (as needed), along with keeping the soil moist and fertilized. Failing to do so can lead to Infestations, disease and being more vulnerable to harsh winter conditions.

Not up to the task? Dont forget Trees of Carolina is a full service tree care company servicing the Apex and Cary North Carolina areas. Call us today at 919-661-7080 or Click Here for a free estimate.

fall tree care